Product Series

Lanxing Products Series

Hydraulic Puller

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Hydraulic Tensioner

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Hydraulic Puller&Tensioner

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Stringing Blocks&Pulleys

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Anti Twisting Steel Rope

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Reels, Ropes & Joints

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Bicycles & Trolleys

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Hydraulic Compression Tools

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Tower Erection(Derricks&Gin Poles)

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Special Applications Machines

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Henan Lanxing Power Equipment Co.,Ltd.

Henan Lanxing Power Equipment Co., Ltd is an enterprise engaged in the manufacture, sale, maintenance and lease of large electric machinery. It has established complete quality management system. It’s authenticated in ISO 9001:2000 by Conformity of Quality Management System.

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1989 year

Total Number of Employees


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338 +

Employees of the company

116 +

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No.1 Wenquan Industrial Park, Wen County, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province

Copyright © 2024 Henan Lanxing Power Equipment Co.,Ltd.

Anhui Kemi Instrument Co.,LTD

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